Keynote speaking

Klaus Schuster Public Speaking

Telling It Like It Is: Keynote Speaking Appearances Powered by Practical Experience

The funny thing about most lectures is that the speaker never has any practical experience. How could he (or she)? A university professor (nothing against universities or professors) or a top athlete (nothing against top athletes – but what does free climbing have to do with management?) doing public speaking only proves that they’re … wait for it … good at public speaking! But actual skills in management? Leadership? Targeting success (other than on stage)…?

Don’t get me wrong I think these types of lectures are very entertaining – but what can an executive, or any other person for that matter, learn from that? I am entertained – but will I be any better afterwards? Will I be more competent? Better able to assert myself…have more confidence…be more successful…you’re probably getting the drift by now.

Entertainment is great! And so is Chinese food, but if you want something that lasts you need to pack in something that touches you deep down with its ring of truth. I have much too much experience of real life business practice (and I only have myself to blame) to win a knighthood for scholarship (or saintliness for that matter). I was 15 (to my parents’ utter dismay) when I left school, and it was not because I wanted more money or status or prestige, it was because I wanted to work, to make a difference and to create something new! I’m sure Bill Gates is nodding his appreciation here. Since then I’ve done nothing else but perform, achieve and manage in practice.

Whether it’s interim management at an Eastern European bank, setting up subsidiaries as part of the executive board, coaching sales team “on the front lines” in major cities or jump starting ambitious projects for many renowned companies – if you or your team want to know about the real life business practices of successful managers, leaders, and large corporations from around the world, then we should really talk. For example, about:

  • … or any other topic of your choice.
Tina Poje What would you like to hear about?

Let me know your favorite topics for an exclusive appearance in your company. Tina Poje would be happy to help. You can contact Tina at +386.40439536 or by E-Mail.