Manager Maladies

Manager Maladies
From A – Alpha Dog/Rabies to Z – Zampanitis
ISBN: 978-3-86881-540-5
Redline Verlag, München 2014

Hair-raising stories about lunatic bosses – who doesn’t know any? For example the eight highly paid managers ranting about unanswered pre-collections letters over coffee and cake without checking if said letters had been sent before. Or the other manager almost overloading every Friday evening on her way home after collecting every unread memo, guideline and internal message only to return everything Monday morning – still unread obviously.

Klaus Schuster knows what plagues these managers: they are sick! For diagnosis and treatment he collected all managers diseases in this book. Whether it is “Cesar delusion” or “Mick-Jagger-syndrome”, Schuster knows all clinical pictures and writes them down in his typical humorous way with all their symptoms, causes and therapy options. Because it is said: Laughter is the best medicine!

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